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The Zone Technique

There are only 6 kinds of disturbances that can affect the human body.

  1. Glandular 2. Eliminative   3. Nervous     4. Digestive     5. Muscular        6. Circulatory

All disease conditions, aches, pains, and other discomforts experienced by the body can be attributed to one or more of the above disturbances to the body’s 6 systems or “Zones”.

(Dr. Thumond Fleet- Founder of Zone Therapy 1931)

Using the Zone technique, I can figure out in 20-30 seconds what is wrong in the body and how to fix it. Each of the 6 zones has a specific point on the base of the skull; that when palpated, can determine the zones that are out of balance.

Each zone has 4 distinct points along the spine/spinal cord; that when stimulated, will reset the zones, so that they are regulating in a proper and healthy manner.  Think of an unbalanced zone as short circuiting (like a set of outlets or lights in your home that stop working)

Stimulating the 4 points connected with that zone, is like resetting the circuit at your breaker box.

When each specific zone is balanced completely, you can expect the following:

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Glandular Zone (1)

  • A balanced rhythm between all glands in the body, including the pituitary, pineal, thyroid, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries, testes, uterus, prostate etc.
  • Perfect sleep patterns, boundless energy, increased memory, and concentration
  • Healthy skin, hair, and nails.

Eliminative Zone (2)

  • Clear sinuses
  • Healthy functioning bronchial tubes and lungs
  • Perfectly healthy kidneys and urinary bladder
  • Healthy bowel movements
  • Efficient toxin and waste removal

Nervous System Zone (3)

  • Sleeping soundly
  • Healthy Eyes, ears, and other sense organs
  • Ability to relax easier
  • Perfect Brain and nerve function

 Digestive Zone (4)

  • Healthy function of your esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small and large intestines.
  • Being able to eat foods without any issue
  • Nourishment of all tissues, organs, and glands of the body.

Muscular Zone (5)

  • Restored range of motion, flexibility, and sensations of all muscles and joints of the body.
  • Increased strength, suppleness, and endurance of your muscles.
  • Improved stability and balance.

Circulatory Zone (6)

  • Healthy functioning heart, blood vessels, and lymphatics.
  • A healthy blood pressure and flow throughout the body, from head to toe. (including all organs, glands, and tissues of the body.)

All 6 zones are intricately linked and affect each other. When I balance one zone, it will help all the other zones: balancing all the cells in the body.  When all your zones are completely balanced, then you express perfect health.

ANYONE can benefit from the zone technique from babies to the elderly and anyone in between, even pregnant women.  (The only exception would be Emergency medical situations)

Many health conditions may benefit from the zone technique, A perfectly balanced body is better than an unbalanced body!

Call our office today to schedule your Zone technique appointment 713-722-2580

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