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Neuroemotional Technique (NET)

NET is a system of identifying and assisting you in letting go of unresolved emotional experiences that may be associated with a physical pain or other symptoms. The mind-body component of stress can cause chronic health issues. NET is a natural, effective, and safe way of addressing these mind-body stress issues. To determine connected components of these mind-body stressors, an easy manual muscle test is performed. The following issues may be addressed with NET:

  • Chronic pain patterns that are not improving with varying physical-type therapies
  • Emotional self-sabotage in relationships, career, health, etc.
  • Emotional eating and excessive weight gain/weight loss
  • Anxiety over a specific person, thing, or situation
  • Overwhelming negative emotion(s)
  • Phobias

For a more complete explanation and a video demo:
Ask about our quick 2-minute NET Stress Relief. Call us today at 713-722-2580. Neuromodulation Technique (NMT)
NMT is a system that uses muscle response testing as biofeedback to access how your nervous is functioning, similar to an IT specialist looks at a computer and how it is functioning. An NMT doctor sees dysfunction in the body and thinks the body’s nervous system functions contain errors. The errors in the body processes (Like software in a computer) may lead to chronic pain, allergies, and a low immune system. NMT works on reprogramming the nervous system, thereby removing the errors, allowing the body to function and respond in a much healthier. For a more complete description:

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