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Meal Planning – Vital for losing weight

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Do you eat healthy and still struggle to lose weight?  Maybe you have cut out the sugar or the carbs or the fat, yet, the fat just doesn’t seem to decrease, week after week.

The truth is that you can still overeat, from calorie standpoint, even if you are eating “healthy”.  Don’t let people tell you that if you cut out the carbs then you don’t have to worry about how much you eat.  That is ginormous pile of B.S.!  Essentially, it still comes down to how much you take in vs. how much you expend.

At times, your calories will be lower when you cut out a whole macronutrient.  But, for most people, following a low carb plan is not sustainable.  I favor finding some balance in your eating plan.

One huge thing that has helped me personally get into shape is writing down my food intake the day before.  This allows me to figure out how much I really need and just committing to that amount.  I avoid overeating.  If you go by strictly how you feel, then more and more unnecessary calories will start sneaking into your body.

Food planning also allows me to adjustment my intake based on measurements.  How can you really adjust it if you don’t really know how much you are eating?  Don’t fall into the trap of “I just need to eat ‘healthy'”.

Call me, Dr. Shane Howell, at Alternative Health Management, if you would like some guidance in setting up a customized eating and nutrition plan (713-722-2580).

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