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I am a 92yr old man. About one year ago I read this wonderful book which gave me insight into the field of homeopathic medicine. The interest was a complete variation from the normal G.P.’s and was something I just could not get out of my mind. I contacted my chiropractor who was an old friend for many years. I wanted to see if he knew anything about this field of medicine. He returned my call and got me the names of the Howell’s.

I called the office and made an appointment. My initial visit to Alternative Health Management was quite and enlightening experience. I was amazed at how I was handled and to what depths they proceeded. First, they questioned me about my past health and experiences to find out what condition my present status of health was.

They put me through tests to align my basic needs and requirements to establish what my system needed to enhance the body to a degree of better health so that my body could function well and to enhance my present conditions. They outlined in amazing detail how my body can cure itself by a process of dietary supplements that effect the liver, pancreas, thyroid, and digestive system etc. They completely showed how this miracle of body management was a case in point that your body was completely capable in healing and curing what ails it. This could be done without the use of common drugs that never cure any diseases but just cover the symptoms that they needed to cover. That’s G.P. medicine all over.

After one year of office visits, I feel like a new person. Of course, I have normal aches and pains, which Dr. Howell covers by aligning my spinal column as the first element he does when I go for monthly visits. From there he opens my body functions to find out what it is lacking and then follows up with supplements to enhance and make up what sections and organs in my body need help.

For a 92 year, old man my present health condition is amazing. My body functions are enhanced, I never have indigestion, and my mind functions with the same accuracy that existed before. I still carry on to show that this degree of modern medicine does wonders if you let your body cure itself without the ingestion of common drugs.

The Howell’s have been a blessing to me and the medicine they practice. I look forward to my next meeting with great hope to continue for years to come. When I first came to the office I felt my age. I was sluggish, had trouble with acid reflux, and had aches and pains in my back and other parts of my body. I was still sharp about my memory, yet I am much sharper than I was before. My mind functions quite well. I had a hard time sleeping; I tossed and turned all night. Now I comfortably spend 8 hours asleep and rest with ease.

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