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Imagine yourself being free of low back and neck aches

Digestive Health Houston

Imagine yourself being free of low back and neck aches.  See yourself dancing, gardening, and playing with your kids without ever thinking about any pain in your body.  This is a possibility when you know how to treat your body.

 Getting regular spinal adjustments, performing daily posture stretches and exercises, and doing self-massage with a foam roller and/or a tennis ball helps you to get to the that point of wellness in your spine.  Focusing on enhancing your posture and countering all the sitting we do is extremely important aspect to maintaining good health, in my professional opinion.

 I speak firsthand of the possibility of being without daily aches in the muscles in your low back or your trap muscles in your upper back and neck.  In the past, my low back would ache tremendously when sitting for long periods of time during a seminar or a long road trip.  When I focused my exercise routine on improving my posture and core, the regular issues in my low back and neck vanished.  Recommendations from me only come after personally experiencing and testing them out.  These posture stretches and exercises are my top priority in my daily gym routine.

If you are sick and tired of living with these aches and pains and realize that they are not normal and healthy, then I implore you to let me help you.

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