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(713) 722-2580

Dr. Shane Howell’s neck, upper back, and shoulder routine

This is my personal routine for keeping my neck, shoulders, and upper back healthy.  I follow this routine, plus the back and hip routine video, on a daily basis.  Putting a priority on optimal posture and functional movement is sorely missing in our own healthcare.

To keep my spine and musculoskeletal system healthy I do the following:

  1. Weekly adjustments from Dr. Paula Howell with Activator Methods chiropractic technique.
  2. Performing the routines for my back/hips and neck/upper back/shoulders on a daily basis.
  3. Daily walking
  4. 7-8 hours of sleep
  5. Minimize sitting
  6. Daily consumption of collagen and bone broth protein
  7. Daily consumption of natural anti-inflammatories (Boswellia Complex and Protease)
  8. Digestive System support (fermented foods, like raw milk kefir & yogurt, and enzymes/bitters).

Encouraging my patients to take a proactive approach to their own healthcare goes a long way toward wellness.

If you need a customized plan for that fits your life then call Alternative Health Management 713-722-2580.  We are located just South of the Katy Freeway on the feeder of Beltway 8 (next to Spec’s Liquor)

Dr. Robert Shane Howell


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